Founded 1972. Affiliated to the British Goat Society.
The Anglo Nubian Breed Society Constitution & Rules
(Last Amended 21st October 2018)
1. The name of the society shall be "The Anglo-Nubian Breed Society"
2. The aims of the Society shall be to foster the Anglo-Nubian breed, to encourage the breeding of the Anglo-Nubians to the breed standard and to further the well- being of the Anglo-Nubian goat, especially regarding health.
3. The Society shall be affiliated to the British Goat Society.
4. The Society shall consist of President, Vice President(s), Honorary Members, Existing Life Members, Members, Family Members & Elected Officers.
5. Members shall be entitled to:
a) Take part in the affairs of the Society and vote at General Meetings.
b) Receive Yearly Journal and the other Society publications issued free of charge to Members.
c) Take part in Society activities as agreed by the committee.
d) Enter the Society shows at preferential rates.
e) Enjoy such privileges as the British Goat Society may allow to members of Affiliated Societies.
6. Family membership shall be open to all family members residing at the same address. They are entitled to the same privileges as members, with the following amendments. A member family is entitled to receive one set of publications. Two family members may be named to vote at General Meetings on behalf of the family membership.
7. The subscription rates shall be decided by the Annual General Meeting and fall due on 1st January each year. Members whose subscriptions are unpaid by 31st March shall cease to enjoy the privileges of membership. The subscription of new members joining on or after 1st October shall hold good until the end of the following year.
a) The Committee shall have the power to refuse membership or remove from Membership any person bringing the Society into disrepute.
b) A Member who had been suspended from the Society for whatsoever reason must first have their name submitted to the whole Committee for agreement to accept them should they wish to re-join the Society.
8. The Committee shall transact the normal business of the Society and shall consist of The President, Officers (being Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer) and six other members. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt if necessary. One calendar month's notice of Committee meetings shall be given and the quorum shall be four, to include two Officers of the Society. The Chairman of the meeting shall have an additional casting vote, if required.
9. The financial year shall run from the 1st January to 31st December. Authorised signatories shall be the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary and each Cheque shall require two signatures.
10. a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held before the end of the Society's next financial year. At least one calendar month's notice shall be given to members. The quorum for all General Meetings shall be eight, to include two Officers of the Society. The Chairman of the meeting shall have an additional casting vote, if required.
b) The President and Vice President(s) shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
c) Ten Members shall be elected to the Committee triennially by postal ballet one month prior to the Annual General Meeting from members of this Society. The voting papers shall be examined by scrutineers to be appointed by the Committee and such scrutineers shall make a report in writing of the results of their scrutiny to be announced at the Annual General Meeting. All Officers shall be elected by Committee; Committee Members must be resident in the United Kingdom.
d) Nominations for members of the Committee must be made on official nomination form and must be received by the Secretary at least two calendar months before the Annual General Meeting. Candidates must be proposed and seconded by members of the Society and the form must carry the candidate's written consent.
e) Any Person wishing to be nominated as a Committee Member of the Anglo-Nubian Breed Society must have been a member for a minimum of two years.
11. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by either a majority decision of the Committee or by written request to the Committee from any fifteen members. Following such a request from members, an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened by the Secretary within six weeks. The notice, quorum and voting required are as for the General Meeting.
12. Vice President may attend Committee Meetings but are not entitled to vote.
13. Alterations to the Constitution and Rules shall be determined only at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that one purpose.
14. In any contingency not covered by the Constitution and Rules the Committee is empowered to act in the best interest of the Society. The Committees decision is final.